The Work Must Be Worth It

I’ve been feeling particularly uninspired to write recently. I’m working on giving myself some grace on that concept. (But if I have to say it out loud, I clearly am not doing so great at giving the grace.) My personality type wants there to be “rules” around blogging. Robyn you must write a minimum of once a month to stay relevant. However, because I know myself and a desire to have rules and framework, I started this blog with only one rule: I will only write when I feel like it.

The irony is, that the rule itself grants me the grace I need. It rids me of the pressure to write when I’m uninspired, or write just to write. I never claimed to be an aspiring author or blogger. I’m just a digital marketer with a desire to be in the space I practice and preach all day long. I basically write a blog so I’m not a hypocrite. You’re welcome.

Try Hard

It’s February, or also known as ‘I’ve forgotten what my resolution is’ month. It’s the time of the year when all of us are usually slacking on our New Years resolutions or starting to break some of the promises we made to ourselves for 2020. This year my promise was to make sure it’s all worth it. To evaluate where I put my energy, and in the same vein, to be still and find contentment in the ordinary. (See my personality type from above, I need a rule to not set rules, so this lack luster goal for 2020 isn’t exactly my norm or comfortable.) I’m a list-making, goal-setting, type A person who loves the satisfaction of checking something off.

I told myself in order to be successful at this “resolution” I need to constantly and consistently be asking “is the work worth it? Is this [insert anything] worth an expenditure of energy?”

For me, that’s any work. The normal idea of work (like 9a-5p work). That work must have purpose and bring me fulfillment. The meetings must be productive and I must come prepared. The projects I take on need to fuel me in some way. I spend a lot of time at one place in a week to not love and enjoy what I do.

It’s also the idea of physical work. You know, like the gym, or running or exerting any kind of energy. It must also be worth it. I’ve found myself saying “what’s the point of only working out for 15 minutes?” If I can’t find 45 minutes to an hour in my schedule, I’m not the type of person to do it. It’s not worth it to me to have little or no results.

And if this isn’t stuck in your head yet, we probably can’t be friends:

Unless of course this song comes to mind and you’re STILL trying to figure out what the lyrics are. Then we can be BEST friends!

Back to the point…This concept/resolution/goal [whatever we’re calling it] really strikes a cord with me when its comes to the idea of emotional or spiritual work. Like therapy, or journaling, or meditation… anything that revolves around working on the center of yourself. This work must also be worth it.

To me, this heart work, it has to be the MOST worth it. It’s the hardest work! Focusing on your inner demons, or broken relationships. Finding time to heal your wounds or address your trauma. This work is oh so important but also the most taxing to do. In my experience, it requires the most energy and effort and will cause you to feel all sorts of resentment and hurt if you don’t believe in your core that it’s worth it.

So as February is passing us by here’s a gentle reminder to ask yourself “is the work worth it?” (Aka, here’s me writing a blog so I can remind myself. Maybe this has nothing to do with you!) This small but powerful question always brings me back to what’s most important. It channels my energy into the places I feel are most worthy. It holds my heart accountable to the things/people/perspectives/relationships/emotions I truly value.

Here’s to getting back on the wagon and remembering what you’ve set out to accomplish for 2020.

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